British Values and More
Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural,
Equality and Diversity,
Character Education
Learning at Brackenwood
British Values and More
For schools in the UK, British Values refer to a set of values that the government believes are important for children to learn. They include respect for the rule of law, individual liberty, democracy, and mutual respect for and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. At our school, we have carefully identified purposeful opportunities to discuss and explore these values in all of our curriculum lessons. These opportunities can be seen in the document below. As a school, we also build opportunities for children to develop an understanding of these values through daily activities such as school council work and problem solving discussions in lessons.
Character Education
Character Education is the wider personal development of children beyond the National Curriculum. Character Education aims to instil in all children a number of key characteristics and values such as resilience, honesty, motivation and humility, all of which will help them in their adult lives. At Brackenwood Infant School we know that in order for children to flourish, they need to be provided with regular opportunities to understand and experience ways to develop their character. These opportunities are successfully interwoven in our curriculum and taught discretely using our Command Joe’s resource.
SMSC stands for Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development. It is an area of the curriculum that focuses on the non-academic development of children, such as the understanding and appreciation of different cultures or dealing with moral conundrums. At Brackenwood Infant School we teach SMSC through our PSHE lessons, purposefully planned opportunities within the curriculum and incidental opportunities that occur in children’s day to day lives.
Equality and Diversity
At Brackenwood Infant School we promote Equality and Diversity in all areas of our life and work. At our school we raise awareness of all strands of diversity, discuss with our children how to eliminate discrimination, promote equality of opportunity and foster good relations. We prepare our children to become positive global citizens and to appreciate and celebrate the diverse society in which we live through discrete opportunities such as Equality and Diversity week and carefully planned links within our curriculum.